344 Main Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Every year, at least one salutatorian or valedictorian from Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, Notre Dame, Pleasant Valley or Pocono Mountain schools had previously gone to my Preschool.

-Mrs. Mary Jacques Procaccino (Mrs. Procaccino) Director/Teacher



At the start of every school year, The Children's Academic Learning Center will have an orientation for all students and parents. This will be an opportunity for parents and children to meet the staff, familiarize yourself with the surroundings, ask questions, but most importantly have the children become comfortable with the school environment.

Entrance Information

The Children’s Academic Learning Center is open to all children regardless of race, color, sex, or handicap.

The following requirements for admission must be met:

The child must be three years of age or older. Exceptions can be made if the child is toilet trained.

The child must have a yearly exam.

Upon registering, parental enrollment forms must be completed before the start of the school year (Questionnaire, Emergency Contact, and Physical Examination).

The school must be notified of any allergies, special medical, and dietary information prior to the start of the school year.

The beginning years of school are not only the start of a new and exciting venture for your child, but a memorable time for you. Our program is rooted to ensure proper development of your child through academic and social learning, enabling the child to put daily events into perspective.

We are looking forward to sharing the special experiences your child will encounter at the Children’s Academic Learning Center.


© Copyright 2025 Children's Academic Learning Center